Authorized User Tradeline Information & Details
The way the process works is we will have you added to one of our company's credit cards as an authorized user and you will piggy back off of the good credit from that specific credit card you are added to. All of our tradelines have 100% on time payments and they also all have a credit utilization of under 30% but most under 10%.

Each authorized user tradeline has a different price as some are better than others but most range from $300-$700 and we offer a special when more than one tradeline is purchased at once. We will keep you on for 60-90 days and you can pay a cheaper price for an extension.

How to Get Started?
So here is what you need to do to get stared with a tradeline. You will need to pick what tier you would like us to add you to. If you already have AU tradelines on your credit report you should get a bank/card you don't have already added to your credit report. For an example, if you have a Citi card already, get a Discover or Barclay AU tradeline added. 

The lower the tier, the cheaper the tradeline will be. We have 3 tiers. Each tier is filtered by the age of the credit card, and the credit limit attached to the credit card

Tier 1:  0-1.5 years old and a credit limit under $6,000
                               Tier 2:  1.5-3.5 years old and/or a credit limit between $6,000-$18,000
  Tier 3:  3.5 years or older and/or a credit limit over $18,000

 Note: **Cards CAN NOT be purchased within 48 hours of the closing date**
Guarantee –We cannot guarantee by law a certain score or results. 


      1. First pick which trade line tier you want. Based on your credit report we will add you to the AU tradelines that will best suit your credit report.

2. Next, we would need your Full Name, Date of Birth, Address, along with other information depending on the bank. After receiving that information, we will work with the credit card company to get you added as an authorized user. Once we add you , the credit card company will report it to your credit report on the statement date to the credit reporting agencies for that specific credit card. This could take 3-7 days after the statement date to hit your credit worst case scenario.

   3. You will then process payment. We can walk you through it. Text or call our business line for help and one of our associates would love to help (619) 566-8080!

4. When the credit cards hits your credit report in 3-7 days after the statement date, you will get the credit boost you need. You can then go out and apply for your car, mortgage, business/personal loan, or the credit card you always wanted! 

Disclosure: Normally it reports to all 3. I can not guarantee it will report to all 3 agencies, I guarantee it will post 2 credit reports. If the card does not post to at least 2 credit reports we will find you another comparable AU tradeline or process you a refund. 

Email: or text 619-566-8080
for Tradelines or to send the required information.

Tradeline Tier

  * Tier 1 = Opened under 1.5 year
    * Tier 2 = Opened under 3.5 years
*Tier 3 = Opened over 3.5 years

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